Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anywhere, USA

Often, days later, people will ask me where I went on my last trip.  If you ask me this, don't be too surprised to see me respond with a deer-in-the-headlights look.  More often than not, I really don't remember.

Rules of the Road:
#1:  Don't get out of bed until you remember where you are.
You've spent 12 or 14 hours in and out of cockpits and airports.  You've traveled over well worn paths and the view, while stunning at times, becomes a monotony of the infinite.  Then there's the obligatory van ride, hotel check in, decompression in your room ritual and with any luck you're asleep in an hour.  You wake up to use the bathroom and you have no idea where the hell you are.  Don't get out of bed.  Many a stubbed toe has taught me to take a moment and figure out where you are, which direction the bathroom is, how you got there, before you get up.

#2:  Don't patronize the chain restaurants.
The temptation of ease is always there.  It's comforting when you are in an unfamiliar landscape to find things that you can recognize to help you get your bearings.  That's why restaurant chains are so successful.  You pay for that convenience of familiarity with overpriced, mediocre food.  Over the years, I've found that people do actually know how to cook in different parts of the world.  Live a little dangerously and find something local, if you have the time.  More often than not, you'll leave pleasantly surprised at a really good meal.

#3:  Get out there.
It's really cheap.  Put on your running shoes and layer up as appropriate.  Ask the concierge or front desk if there's anything interesting to see nearby.  Sometimes you get real good recommendations.  Sometimes just a blank stare.  Then just head out the door in a direction that seems promising.  You'll be amazed at what you come across sometimes.

#4:  Turn off the idiot box.
You can pass any amount of time watching nothing at all.  An hour to kill?  Five hours?  All day?  TV will accommodate whatever waste of time you need.  Which is fine I guess, if you don't like existence.

#5:  Sometimes you just need to sleep.
It's 11PM.  I'm training for a marathon, so I've got to get my miles in.  I'm on a treadmill in the middle of the night to run 7 or 8 miles.  Don't do that.  It's stupid.

#6:  Treadmills suck.
Not unless you have to.  Not unless you're next to an interstate or it's 10 below and a snow storm...and I'll even bend the snow storm rule sometimes.

#7:  Hotel restaurants suck.
Way overpriced and invariably mediocre.

#8:  Don't trust the iron.
Many a shirt has been ruined by an iron with encrusted gunk because people don't realize that you have to use distilled water in an iron.

#9:  Remember your room number before you go out for a run.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget.

#10:  When your wife calls and wants to talk, turn off the TV.
Sorry honey.  I'm still a slow learner on this one.

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